Another home workout day ..
This morning was rainy n it was a bit chilly . I made sure to warm up before starting my workout ..I was up a little late than I normally would . It was a little tougher to start , I think the chilly weather , the rain , the cloud all made me think it’d be a good morning just to stay in laying on the couch n knit . Unfortunately I do not have any particular project at the moment . Or should I say luckily I don’t .. Anyway , since I did upper yesterday it’s time to do lower body workout . Last week I did…
Always start the week right …
With a workout . Monday to me is the start of a week and the start of a week means you shouldn’t miss any workout . Of course there’s circumstances sometimes that makes us skipping our workout . But at this point … You n I and like many people in the world are pretty much stuck at home . Because we need to do our part , to flatten the curve . It annoys me when people don’t take this seriously .. but anyway that’s not what I want to talk about . So because it’s Monday , we all need to start it right , to me ,…
Oatmeal cookies
18 cookies , 25 grams each 86 calories , 16C 2F 2P I love oatmeal cookies , unfortunately the oatmeal cookies usually are really not macro friendly . So here’s my version of chewy oatmeal cookies that we can all feel good about , after all oats are good for our health ! In this recipe , which is super easy , no mixer required . Just use the wooden spoon , it’ll look a bit dry at first but don’t rush to add liquid to make it set , just keep mixing with the spoon until it’s pretty much mixed . Also , you can always replace the brown…
Banana Oats Muffins
We used to make this quite often , I made this recipe about 3 years ago when we started switching our focus to a healthier food. I would take this for breakfast on the go , bagged it n ate it after I dropped off my son to school . My husband likes them with yogurt too . Or just as a snack . The macros in this isn’t too bad in my opinion . If you’re on keto , this recipe probably won’t work for you . Trying to make it healthier option , I opted for old fashioned oats . I don’t buy oat flour , I just…
The start of a homeworkout ..
March 14th was the beginning of my home workout . I found things I bought few weeks prior to this , suddenly has become super useful . Funny , I’m not the type of person who likes to buy fitness equipment but I suddenly really wanted that ab roller . Package I bought came with jump rope and mini parallettes . The mini parallettes I ended up using for pushups actually . But even without it , you still can do pushups easily , we all have floors . Do regular pushups will be just fine , knee on or off the floor , whatever works . I like doing…
Staying positive ..
Hi everyone , it seems like it’s been ages since my last entry . Maybe it’s been several years . As we’re all aware by now , just like that the world has been turned upside down . Just a little over two weeks ago , actually was last day of school for my young teenager son . I believe it was March 12th . I just never thought that in an instant everything seems becoming so strange , out of normal . My first social distancing day was that Friday , which was supposedly the beginning of spring break at school . We planned to go to visit my…